Drinking Water Is Not Skin Water!
A Website About Water...

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Fresh Water is a RARE Commodity:

A new all-natural water discovery.
(The Biomedical Research Division of Rogue Valley Natural Springs, Inc., located in Grants Pass, OR, announces a new discovery regarding water as a skin and eye moisturizer.)

Rogue Valley Natural Springs has discovered the ideal spring water mist for skin and eyes. The water comes from a natural spring fed by a moving, underground river that is naturally filtered through hard, relatively insoluble bedrock. This filtering movement gives the water:
Exceptional natural purity.
A mild, light mineral content.
A slightly acidic (5.5 to 6.5) pH balance from the source, necessary for absorption into skin and eyes.
Water for Skin and Eyes.
    Before applying water to skin or eyes, it is important to know what's in the water:
  • Is the water pH-correct for use as a skin or eye moisturizer?
  • Is the water pure and natural enough for skin or eyes?
  • Will the water be absorbed into skin or eyes?
  • Will the water leave a drying residue?

Sources of water:

Bottled drinking water is often high in heavy alkaline minerals and usually contains sodium or carbonation. These minerals leave a drying residue on skin.

Tap water is nearly always alkaline and may contain softeners and purifying chemicals. Chemicals and alkaline minerals leave a drying residue on the skin.

Purified water has been processed through a water treatment facility. It contains chemical purifiers and softeners which leave a drying residue on the skin.

Well water, even when filtered, is unpredictable and usually alkaline. It is always advisable to have well water tested for pollutants and bacteria. Just because a water is within safe limits of pollution and bacteria for drinking does not mean the water is beneficial for skin.

Formulated water includes any water with added chemicals and ingredients. The category includes swimming pool water contains chemical purifiers and has a chemically induced pH balance. Swimming pool water is not natural and is drying and irritating to skin and eyes.

Scented or flavored water. Scented spray waters and flavored waters are formulated waters which contain additives. After the water evaporates, the additive leaves a residue which is drying to skin.

Filtered water has some or all of the sediment, bacteria, microorganisms, organic matter and contaminants removed, depending on the fineness and type of filter. Filtering usually does not alter the pH or mineral content.

Hard water is extremely high in alkaline minerals. Soap will not suds in hard water and clothes will not get clean. Hard water leaves a drying mineral residue on skin.

Ground water just sits in the ground, gathering whatever minerals and pollutants are in the vicinity. Ground water usually needs to be purified or filtered. Most ground water is alkaline in pH.

Surface water, such as a lake or river is usually not suitable for either drinking or skin application because of the high content of bacteria, micro-organisms, organic matter and pollution.

Distilled water is essentially dead and of little benefit to body, skin or eyes.

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