NATURE'S MIST®/Out of OregonTMROGUE VALLEY NATURAL SPRINGSTM, Inc.A Breakthrough in Natural Moisturizing for Dry Skin and Eyes.NATURE'S MIST® and WeatherWeather: NATURE'S MIST® and Sun, Wind, Cold.
From the moment of birth, environmental stresses such as heat, cold, wind, pollution, airborne bacteria and low humidity, can dehydrate your skin and body. While your body has defenses against this, and while some bodies are more resistant than others, common sense tells us that two important survival tactics for our modern world are: The sun.While everybody loves the sun, excessive solar radiation can lead to premature skin aging, blemishes, potentially fatal melanoma (skin cancer) and many other conditions. Fair-skinned people, and people with moles and/or freckles, are the most vulnerable. Damaging radiation is intensified on water and snow and can penetrate glass and light clothing. The sun is harmful to skin in two ways: (1) UVA and UVB rays can damage skin and alter its DNA. (2) Solar radiation causes bodily water loss through the skin's surface (especially the facial skin), depleting electrolytes and decreasing resistance to UVA and UVB rays. Perspiration that dries on the skin's surface is further dehydrating.
At NATURE'S MIST®, we have researched moisture loss for a decade. Based on our findings, we recommend:
Remember that solar radiation is not the only dehydrating factor in bright sunlight and that the effectiveness of sunscreen is benefitted by prior misting with NATURE'S MIST®, frequent maintenance misting and misting prior to each re-application. NATURE'S MIST® customers report that frequent misting slows dehydration from perspiration, benefits the skin's resistance to sunburn, helps the sunscreen do its job, reduces sunscreen irritation and helps burns heal faster. NATURE'S MIST® should be applied frequently when outdoors; especially under harsh conditions or when exercising, hiking or engaging in water sports. Wind.Activities such as skiing, motorcycling and riding in open sports cars can result in facial chapping and windburn.Cold.Certain climates may be more dehydrating to your skin. This includes not only hot, dry climates but cold and even damp climates. Since cooler air holds less moisture than warmer air, it is drier than warmer air of the same relative humidity and thus more dehydrating. Very moist or foggy air may also be dehydrating, depending on the amount of pollution contained in each water droplet.Artificial air.Artificially heated air and forced air are dehydrating because they blow away the layer of humid air at the skin's surface. Forced air may contribute to the spread of airborne bacteria, which can also dehydrate your skin. See also Sports, and Other Applications.
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