NATURE'S MIST®/Out of OregonTM
Other NATURE'S MIST® applications.
If you work in an office, your job is stressful, you wear contact lenses or you live in an area with air pollution, your skin and eyes are being robbed of moisture.
Company research has shown, and our customers verify, that when working under fluorescent lighting or at a computer; eyes often become dry and skin becomes tense and tired. Stress, lack of fresh air and exercise can increase the problem and lead to other symptoms such as allergies, colds, fatigue, dermatitis and adult acne. As with airline travel, frequent daily misting with NATURE'S MIST® moisturizer creates a humid, natural, pH-correct, micro-environment. NATURE'S MIST® relieves tension and soothes skin and eyes, enabling employees to work more productively. NATURE'S MIST® helps all other skin care products work better.
Directions: 1. Apply NATURE'S MIST® moisturizer in the morning to benefit skin moisturization and pH balance. 2. To rejuvenate dry skin and cosmetic colors, and make your face feel refreshed, reapply NATURE'S MIST® frequently throughout the day, especially when working in fluorescent lighting or at a computer screen. Mist also when cosmetic color appears faded or discomfort is felt in the skin, face, breathing passages or eyes (the 2-ounce fits easily into pocket or purse). 3. Apply NATURE'S MIST® spring water mist prior to application of cosmetics or skin care products
(See also, "Directions for Application").
Contact lenses can be irritating and drying because they require moisture to function properly and they draw this moisture from the eye's tear film layer. Contact lens wetting solutions can be drying rather than wetting because they contain preservatives and chemicals, which are potential allergens.
Customers report that when inserting lenses, or when eyes feel tired and irritated, NATURE'S MIST® moisturizer product soothes the eyes and benefits the drying and irritation. The company has many testimonials from customers who could not wear contact lenses, or who could not wear contact in certain situations, who are now able to wear them. Recent controlled research indicates that application of NATURE'S MIST® to the eyes significantly increases the eye's tear film layer and reduces the need for artificial tears products or wetting solution.
Directions: 1. For symptomatic relief of dry eyes and dry breathing passages; apply NATURE'S MIST® often, leaving eyes open and breathing deeply several times (the 2-ounce fits easily into pocket or purse). 2. Lightly mist directly onto contact lens prior to insertion (See also, "Directions for Application").
Anyone who has ever experienced perspiration, itching, dry mouth or tightening of the face (dry skin) prior to an important speech or interview, knows that emotional stress can be dehydrating. Correct skin care with NATURE'S MIST® can be very helpful. NATURE'S MIST® replaces lost moisture in dry skin and dry mouth. Many customers also report that NATURE'S MIST® reduces stress by making them look better, feel more relaxed and feel more confident about their appearance.
Directions: 1. Apply NATURE'S MIST® spring water moisturizer product in the morning for relaxation, comfort and benefit to skin moisturization and pH balance. 2. To feel refreshed throughout the day, reapply NATURE'S MIST® to the face frequently (the 2-ounce fits easily into pocket or purse). 3. Apply NATURE'S MIST® whenever you feel perspiration, dry mouth, dry skin, oily skin, itching or other stress symptoms (See also, "Directions for Application").
Chemical pollutants, especially airborne pollutants, can result in skin dehydration (loss of water), felt as burning eyes, lack of saliva (dry mouth) or soreness of the mouth, lack of mucous in the nose and stiffness or itching of the skin of the face. This can lead to many chronic skin and eye problems, including adult acne, dermatitis, dry eye and melanoma. Company research indicates that proper skin care based on NATURE'S MIST® moisturizer product enhances the body's natural resistance to stress and pollution by alleviating the resulting dehydration.
Directions: 1. Apply NATURE'S MIST® in the morning and reapply frequently to benefit skin moisturization and resistance to harmful elements in the environment. 2. For symptomatic relief of dry eyes, dry skin, dry nasal passages, oily skin and dermatitis; apply NATURE'S MIST® often, leaving eyes open and breathing deeply several times (the 2-ounce fits easily into pocket or purse). 3. For symptomatic relief of dry mouth, mist directly into mouth but do not allow the mist to accumulate or drip. 4. To feel refreshed throughout the day and create a clean, moist micro-environment, reapply NATURE'S MIST® frequently (the 2-ounce fits easily into pocket or purse). Apply NATURE'S MIST® prior to applying all other skin care products (See also, "Directions for Application").
As with pollution, nuclear testing is disturbing to the Earth and its natural balances, including its moisture. While the effects of small doses of nuclear fallout are not fully understood (it can cause adult acne and melanoma), direct exposure to nuclear radiation results in massive burns and skin exfoliation. We must all do our part to prevent assaults on nature such as nuclear testing, depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and destruction of the rain forest. Until the air becomes safe again, proper skin care, including frequent misting with NATURE'S MIST®, can help individuals defend against this assault by creating a healthy, natural, moist, pH-correct micro-environment.
Directions: 1. Apply NATURE'S MIST® frequently to feel refreshed throughout the day and create a clean, moist micro-environment. 2. To benefit life on this planet, work to end nuclear testing!
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