September 23, 2011
Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water® E-Commerce
Strategy for a New Global Business of Water Category Revitalizes Dry Skin, Oily Skin and Dry Make-up
Nature's Mist® - a Simply Moist® experience! Woman invented, woman owned American product - now being discovered by women (and men) all over the world. New discovery - the Power of Water®.
Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water® e-commerce commitment.
 Sharon Kleyne, Founder of Oregon's Bio-Logic Aqua Research and international water advocate, is announcing an increased emphasis on e-commerce and retail Internet accounts for Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water®, the company's breakthrough "business of water" product that naturally humidifies, hydrates and revitalizes dry skin, dry make-up and faded cosmetic colors.
"E-commerce," explains Mrs. Kleyne, "is global, open 24 hours, and has a unique ability to quickly reach consumers of all ages and categories. This includes outreach to targeted subgroups such as women, teens, seniors, sports participants; allergy, acne and dermatitis sufferers; women who wear make-up, people in dry or polluted climates, office workers, airline passengers, etc."
Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water®, according to Mrs. Kleyne, has been extremely successful in high-end department stores, a TV infomercial and its own website ( Internet retail venues such as have been especially effective in helping Nature's Mist® reach out to consumers looking for natural skin care education and products for dry or oily skin.
Water is the ONLY method to moisturize skin.
After two decades of research, Sharon Kleyne has discovered and proven that skin is 70% water and that there is only one correct method to moisturize dry or oily skin - WATER! "Moisturizing" crèmes and lotions are moisture sealers that slow water loss. They do not add water to dry skin.
Sharon Kleyne's breakthrough research led to the discovery of "Earth's Secret" - Bio-Logic Aqua® tissue culture water, the only known all-natural water with the correct pH balance (slightly acidic 6.49 - compatible with human skin) and light mineral solute content (heavy minerals waters are drying to skin), for maximum beneficial skin absorption and bacterial protection. European waters tend to be alkaline (pH greater than 7.0), mineral-heavy and not skin compatible.
The secret spring water is now Bio-Logic Aqua Research's "trade secret" and the only ingredient in Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water®. Nature's Mist® contains no formulated chemicals, preservatives, saline solution, potential allergens or harmful propellants.
New global discovery: Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water®.
The all-natural Nature's Mist method of skin hydration is a personal hand-held device that humidifies the air around the skin so the moisture can be naturally absorbed. The trade secret Bio-Logic Aqua® water was proven in double-blind research to be superior in absorption and retention. People all over the world report visible results instantly!
Nature's Mist's ageless secret spring water redefines dry skin and helps reduce dry lines and wrinkles. The Power of Water® revitalizes faded make-up and instantly restores cosmetic colors.
Dry skin, dry air and the environment.
"Worldwide," Mrs. Kleyne explains, "the air we breathe is too dry. Everyone knows the air is polluted and dirty but few realize that our air is also losing its life-giving clean water content (humidity). Indoor air is even more dehydrating and Moisture Starvation® is the number one environmental threat to health. The good news is that my company's personal hand-held water misting devices empower every individual to provide their own instant humidity supplement, regardless of how dirty or dry the air.
"Earth is always changing," she concludes, "and for human life to survive, we must learn the Power of Water®. In the current global environment, with the help of our wonderful Internet partners, Bio-Logic Aqua's "business of water" products, including Nature's Mist® - Face of the Water®, will one day be as indispensable as drinking water, clothing, sunscreen and lip balm. The Power of Water® will save lives!"
The Nature's Mist® product logo, according to Mrs. Kleyne, symbolizes the women of the world who carry water daily to save lives. Since the dawn of humankind, women have carried water (and still do in much of the world) to prevent moisture starvation and to cleanse and nourish their families.
"Five thousand children a day die from water related causes such as malaria, dehydration, diarrhea and melanoma," she notes. "And 1.5 billion of the word's 6 billion people lack adequate water."
Sharon Kleyne is committed to helping alleviate the global water crisis. She Founded the Save-a-Child's Life Foundation® to recognize pediatric melanoma and she hosts The Sharon Kleyne Hour - Power of Water at and on Apple iTunes and Green Talk Network, Mondays at 10 a.m. PST/PDT. The radio talk show is sponsored by Nature's Tears® EyeMist® and Bio-Logic Aqua Research.
The Power of Water® will save lives - and you can make a difference.
See for product demonstration, description and references.