A decade of research has revealed the most effective, safe, and natural way to soothe dry irritated eyes...
Nature's Mist®
Face of the Water™
Nature's Mist Testimonials
"Thank you for educating me"
I would like to thank you for what Nature's Mist has done for me and my complexion. I was so totally dissatisfied with the way my skin looked, even after trying many different kinds of makeup. I had deep ruts in my chin line, large creases around my mouth and eyes, and extremely large pores. It was a tremendous help to me to learn how to use Nature's Mist so I could receive its full benefit. I follow the instructions to the letter, misting before I cleanse my face, and I mist as the day goes on to keep my makeup looking fresh. Thank you for giving me new direction and educating me about taking care of my skin. I love Nature's Mist and will definitely continue using this wonderful product!
Grants Pass, OR
"It does what it promised"
Thank you for your wonderful product. I had very little hope that Nature's Mist would work for me, as an early dermabrasion left my skin dry, sensitive and intolerant of almost any skin care product. I had tried the Evian spray years back when it became popular, and it made my skin red and dry after spraying. I'd even get bumps and swelling, but something told me to try Nature's Mist anyway. And it does what it promises. It gives me a refreshed dewy look! My skin tends to dry about 3 pm and instead of washing, I spray and it looks like I re-did my face.
Damaged Skin Patient
"Healed in less than 48 hours"
I've had an inner lip sore for over a year and had given up on the sore ever healing. The sore began when my lips became real chapped and I kept chipping at the sore with my teeth, not realizing the sore had become a big gap in my inner lip. It had been a permanent cut in my lip for over a year. At night it would hurt before going to sleep. I was using Nature's Mist for my eyes because I work on a computer and found the mist refreshing. It felt so good that I sprayed the mist all over my face. I can't tell you how shocked I was when I realized that in less than 48 hours my inner mouth sore was healed. This was a miracle for me and I'm so happy this product works.
Eugene, OR
"Radiant skin at age 79"
Nature's Mist has improved my skin care program immensely. I began using the product in 1988, along with my Clinique treatment. The difference was noticeable and I've been using them together ever since. It is especially important when the atmosphere is dry, when the heat is on, because it is important to moisturize skin both internally and externally. I always carry Nature's Mist with me especially when traveling by air. The cabin air is dehydrating so it's a good idea to spray the mist at regular intervals during flight. I am 79 years old but my skin doesn't look like it. People always compliment me on my skin and I'm sure it wouldn't be the same without Nature's Mist. Incidentally, it's a good idea to keep eyes open when spraying because Nature's Mist is absolutely safe for the eyes.
Frequent Traveler
Los Angeles, CA
"A profound difference in my skin"
I used Nature's Mist on my incisions after open-heart surgery. This was the only skin care product I used after the bandages were removed and it healed very rapidly with no infection and very small scars. Nature's Mist worked great and I experienced no discomfort of any kind.
Portland, OR
"Healing began almost immediately"
I had surgery (a hip replacement) in 1998. I used Nature's Mist on the scar and it has lessened the redness of the 14 inch incision mark. Since I am allergic to latex, the bandages (tape) blistered my skin severely, but with the aid of Nature's Mist soothing and cooling spray, the pain subsided and healing began almost immediately. I have also used Nature's Mist for poison oak (lessens the pain of itching and speeds the healing process) and on sunburns since I burn easily (peeling is reduced).
Surgery Patient